Batch Processor - RX 9 Help

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Table of Contents


The Batch Processor allows you to process multiple files at once with a custom module chain, streamlining time-consuming tasks. The Batch Processor can run simultaneously with the RX Audio Editor, allowing you to process in bulk while working in RX.

The Batch Processor window can be opened using the following methods:

Batch Processor Presets

Click here to save, load, or update a Batch Processor preset. Output options and module chain contents can be saved together as presets.


The Input section allows for files to be added for processing. Added files will display the channel count, bit depth, sample rate and file length.

Adding Files

Files can be added to the Batch Processor window by using one of the following methods: Click the Add files button at the top of the Input section. Drag and drop files or folders from Finder (Mac) or Windows Explorer (Windows) into the Input files section of the Batch Processor window. Folders that are added will retain their folder structure in the output directory.


Add multiple files from the same folder by holding the Command key (Mac) or ctrl key (Windows) when selecting files from the Finder or Windows Explorer dialog.

Removing files

Individual files can be removed from the Batch Processor by clicking the ‘X’ that appears when hovering over a file. Clicking the Remove all files button at the top will clear all files from the input section.

Module Chain

Processing steps can be configured in the Module Chain area of the Batch Processor window. You can create a new Module Chain or recall a Module Chain preset by selecting it from the dropdown menu.

Learn more about the Module Chain

See the Module Chain chapter for more information about the controls available in the Module Chain.


The Output Section includes options for selecting the location of the processed files, modifying file names, and setting the output file format.

Use the “Choose folder…” button to select the destination for the processed files from the system dialogue that appears. To send files to the same folder they are sourced from, click the ellipsis button in the output panel and choose ‘Same as Original Location’.

Input folder structure will be retained in the output location of your choice.


To modify a file name, add the desired text to the naming field and select the Before “|<-” or After “->|” icons.

File Format

Choose the output file format and configure the options associated with the selected file format (e.g. bit rate, quality, etc…). Available File Formats:

RX 9.3.0
