Rihanna Diet Plan

Publish date: 2024-05-07

Rihanna follows a famous 5 Factor diet, made by Harley Pasternak, his trainer. According to this, she is supposed to eat 5 small meals throughout the day. She hates vegetables but sometimes she has to eat them in order to maintain her killer body.

Rihanna takes these 5 nutrients – carbohydrates, protein, fiber, fats, sugar-free drink. But, her 5 Factor diet allows her to eat anything, she wants, which is called cheat day.

She says she takes a lot of carbs because she gets weak if she doesn’t takes it. In her own words

“Carbs are the enemy but if I go three days without them, I start getting weak. If my trainer had her way, I’d eat small meals every three hours, but I sometimes only eat once or twice a day.”

Her Diet Chart


  • Egg Whites
  • Pineapple
  • Hot Water and lemon
  • Lunch

  • Fish
  • Potatoes
  • Snacks

  • Low carb snack bar
  • Salted crackers
  • Grapes
  • Some nuts
  • Dinner

  • Fish
  • Mushroom omelette
  • Green salad
  • Also See –

    Rihanna Workout Routine
