Sad endings to television shows | Page 2

Publish date: 2024-05-06
The end of the Scrubs episode with Brendan Fraser, My Screw Up. This is widely known as one of the best Scrubs episodes ever, and its ending really seals the deal to make this episode great. The choice of song, "Winter" by Josh Radin, is quite possibly one of the best song choices for a TV show ever. That song, coupled with JD's Line "Where do you think we are?" and Cox crying at Ben's funeral, had me in tears, and i'm sure it had many others in tears. The ending is the perfect example of how a TV show and music can evoke emotions in people.

Another great ending, also from Scrubs, is the episode "My Lunch". The basic summary is that a patient dies, and the doctors use their organs to try and keep three other patients alive. The organs are infected with rabies, and the three patients die on Dr. Cox, who has a mental breakdown and walks out of the hospital. Another great choice of song here, "How To Save A Life" by The Fray, captures the mood of the moment perfectly. Scrubs is a show that always chooses great songs, and this is no exception. The whole scene comes together seamlessly, and shows what can truly happen with a moment of TV magic
