How to Complete the Impressive Aim Challenge - Dead Island 2 Guide

Publish date: 2024-05-06

Impressive Aim Walkthrough

You can complete this challenge wherever you like, but if you want a step-by-step on a tried and tested method, here's how we unlocked the trophy.

When you reach Beverly Hills, go to Roxanne's House. This will become a Safe House later on, so you can return here once you've unlocked Fast Travel if you don't want to do it on your first visit.

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In the garage outside is a Workbench, and a hill directly opposite it. You'll want to use this Workbench on the Compass Bar at the top of the screen to roughly estimate how far away you are. Before you start to go up the hill, throw the Meat Bait at the corner to the left of the Stop Sign. This will be as close as you can get to the Workbench when you're over the gate and forces the zombies into a smaller, confined space.

If there aren't lots of zombies in the area, stick around for a bit until more appear. Throw the Meat Bait a few times if needed, to draw more of them to the area.

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Now turn around and make your way up the hill, towards the cloud of Caustic. Position yourself next to this cloud, and turn around to face back towards the Workbench. At this point, you should be around 43/44 meters away from the Workbench.

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The next part is the trickiest, as it's all about lining up your aim so your melee weapon reaches that corner. You want to aim directly above the corner, and into the bushy part of the tree on the right as marked on the picture above.

If you have enough zombies there, it'll make it easier to land the shot. But you might need to practice it a few times, to quickly run up the hill and get your aim lined up. If you miss, you can just go and collect the weapon you used again, so you don't have to throw away any good ones. We'd recommend taking a few lightweight melee weapons with you up the hill, so you can chuck a few in quick succession and increase your chances of completing the challenge.
