James Gunns Evil Superman Movie Brightburn Eyes Sequel Using AI Amid Raging Writers Strike

Publish date: 2024-05-05

It seems that Hollywood has truly entered the modern world as AI seems to be replacing writers for a movie. James Gunn was the producer of a 2019 movie titled Brightburn which was developed by The H Collective.

In a recent announcement, The H Collective is launching H3 Entertainment which will incorporate the use of AI to write stories amidst the Writers’ strike! The CEO of H3 Entertainment has clarified that its aim is not to replace humans, people seem to think that the launch of the company was at a pretty convenient time!

James Gunn’s Movie Will Be Developed By AI Amidst Writers Strike?

The Writers’ Guild of America is on strike and while James Gunn supports the decision, his ex-partners seem to be going in the wrong direction. Back in 2019, James Gunn produced an evil superhero movie titled Brightburn.

The studio behind the 2019 movie recently announced that they are launching H3 Entertainment. With the amalgamation of Metaverse, Web3, and, AI into the mix, H3 Entertainment will extensively use these features of the modern world in their movies. This indirectly states that in the very near future, movies could simply be created by AI bots, and the writers of Hollywood may lose their momentum.

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The CEO of H3 Entertainment has clarified in his talk (via Deadline) that the purpose of the company is not to overshadow writers/humans with AI but just to get a little help from the modern marvel.

“Incorporating new technologies into our workflow is about enhancing and complementing, not replacing the human touch in filmmaking. Our primary commitment remains with our skilled workforce. We are determined to use technology to assist, not overshadow, the irreplaceable human touch in cinema.”

With the studio being a working partner of James Gunn, people were speculating whether the director would change sides during the strike or not. It hasn’t been confirmed yet, but James Gunn has not made any comments on the issue at all.

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There’s Also An Evil Justice League In The Works!

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Brightburn doesn’t have a post-credit scene but as soon as the credits start rolling, there are some glimpses of other people that seem interesting. With James Gunn as the producer of the movie, the credits saw clips of news reporting of other evil superheroes like Brightburn across the world.

In those clips, a superhero similar to Aquaman and a drawing similar to Wonder Woman with her Lasso of Truth were seen. This could hint at the existence of an evil version of these characters and could potentially set up an evil Justice League for the future. Amidst the Writer’s strike, if H3 Entertainment were to release a movie written by AI, it could forever change the face of Hollywood. The James Gunn-produced 2019 movie Brightburn is available to stream on FuboTV in the U.S.

Source: Deadline
