Bramble The Mountain King Ending Explained and Story

Publish date: 2024-05-05

Bramble The Mountain King ending reveals that Olle saves his sister Lillemore and the two return to their home. Bramble is a 3D adventure game.

Released on April 27, 2023, the horror/adventure game is developed by Dimfrost Studio and published by Merge Games.

It is a grim adventure inspired by dark, Nordic fables. You play as Olle, a boy woken up by a nightmare in the night. When searching for his sister, he learns she stumbled into the forest.

He quickly finds out she is captured by terrifying creatures. Now, he must navigate through a sinister monstrous world, meet a mix of mythical creatures and save Lillemore.

The game has become quite famous among its fans at a time when adventure game like Amanda The Adventurer is also making rounds.

Olle will be platforming, helplessly hiding to escape danger, solving puzzles, and eventually battling the main monster until the cycle repeats.

Shortly into the game, the young boy finds an orb of light called the Spark of Courage. It is used as a weapon to defeat deadly enemies as well as a source of light.

The game allows you to explore the beautiful yet twisted and dangerous land of Bramble in your endeavor to rescue your sibling.

Bramble The Mountain King Ending Explained

Bramble The Mountain King ending explains that Olle saves his sister with the help of the glowing rock. Lemus the Stone Giant helps the siblings escape from the mountain.

Sometimes after, Lillemore is shown being awakened one night, frightened by her past memories. She seeks her brother’s comfort but doesn’t find him in his bed.

She looked outside the window, but the darkness did not scare her as she knew she was safe in the presence of her brother.

As once scared, Olle proved to be a giant slayer and a courageous hero as he faced all his fears to save his beloved sister.

In the end, we can easily say Bramble: The Monkey King story was a tale of deadly and friendly monsters and overcoming one’s fears. It is about a scared boy who later shows his heroic side.

Diving deep into the plot, it’s quite likely the siblings are not in the real world with their imagination creating an alternate fairy world shaped by the nighttime stories their mother read them.

Through a storybook at the start of the game, we learned Lillemore was a naughty and more curious girl who usually snuck out at night to explore the dark forest.

Her action led her mother to tell her creepy stories to scare her from going to the woods and that she could be wrapped in Bramble and encounter demonic creatures.

If we look at their bookshelf, we see they have a lot of folklore fables and fairy tale books, all about creatures mentioned in their adventure. Their mom read those books to them every night before bed.

Considering the boy is awakened by a nightmare surrounding these fairy tales, it depicts both siblings believing in the mystical creatures.

Before the adventure starts, they go to the ancient ruins, which collapse with both falling down a steep hill. The night suddenly transforms into a bright day and the siblings find themselves in unfamiliar territory.

There is a possibility that the fall killed Olle and Lillemore, whose passing minds imagined an entirely new world in their last moments or at least fell into a coma traveling into this unreal world.

Bramble The Mountain King Plot Story

Bramble The Mountain King plot follows Olle who must rescue his sister, Lillemore, before she is eaten by the Mountain King.

As the narrative progresses, the game makes a point of reminding the players that no one is purely good or inherently bad.

Heroes have the capacity to succumb to their darker inclinations just as villains have the potential to resist them. Consider Olle occasionally treading a darker path.

Not to mention, Lillemore is evidently filling the role of damsel in distress. She is characterized as stronger, braver, and more capable than her little brother.

Up to this point, she has been Olle’s protector, and the reversal of their roles frames just how out of his depth the young boy is.

Bramble provides at least one opportunity for the boy to circumvent danger at the expense of someone more vulnerable. It comes when he needs to cross a muddy stream inhabited by an unseen menace.

He can push a caged gnome into the stream, drawing the creature’s attention and allowing him to escape more easily.

His more dramatic descent into the woods follows his encounter with a shapeshifting forest spirit, Skogsra. Once he gains the upper hand, he stabs the spirit until he is covered in her blood.

Toward the end of his journey, he is haunted by his previous actions. He regrets he could not stop his sister from being kidnapped.

Some of the game’s antagonists are revealed to have tragic backstories. For instance, the Mountain King Nils lost his sense of peace and justice after losing his wife and son.

He is the final boss to beat. When the king sees Olle dressed in his son’s outfit, he decides to fight off the curse. And as he was falling down, Olle threw the glowing rock in his mouth.

This allowed Lillemore to use the rock to pierce a hole in his abdomen and get out safely.

Bramble The Mountain King Characters

Bramble: The Mountain King is full of monsters and intriguing characters. The story takes players through beautiful yet deadly landscapes full of cute and nightmarish creatures.

As you go on the journey, you will learn about all sorts of scary monsters and meet some amazing characters.

There are only a few characters to get to know in this thrilling game, from harmless gnomes to terrifying creatures taken out of Nordin fairytales.

Bramble The Mountain King Characters are:
