The North-East Development Commission (NEDC) expresses disappointment with the poor execution of pro

Publish date: 2024-05-04

The NEDC has expressed its disappointment regarding the quality of certain projects that have been completed in Bauchi State.

Following the reappointment of its officials by President Bola Tinubu several months ago, the Management of the NEDC visited the State on Friday.

During their visit, the contractors responsible for the projects were reprimanded for failing to meet the contract terms and specifications.

Major General Paul Tarfa, the NEDC Board Chairman, along with other board members and management, conducted an impromptu on-site inspection of multi-billion naira projects in Bauchi State. These include 300 housing units and a mega school in Dungal Village along Jos road.

The contractor handling the projects received criticism for not meeting the expected standards.

The Chairman issued a warning to contractors against compromising contract specifications and standards, declaring it unacceptable.

The team also inspected the ongoing construction of the Medical Emergency Unit and Ophthalmology complex at the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital (ATBUTH) in Bauchi, as well as the Bauchi State Office complex of the Commission.

The Chairman expressed dissatisfaction with the substandard work observed on the proposed NEDC 300 Housing Units in the Dungal community in Bauchi Local Government Area. He called upon the contractor to report to the commission’s Headquarters in Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State.

The team also visited the completed modern multipurpose cattle market in Soro, Ganjuwa LGA of the state. Unfortunately, the market has remained unused for two years and has been converted into a large crop farm, leading to the deterioration of the market structures.

Although the team expressed their discontentment over the situation, neither the Board Chairman nor the MD/CEO of NEDC made any official announcements about the next steps to be taken.
