The Best Anti-Aging Serum Is The Body Shop's Drops Of Youth Youth Concentrate

Publish date: 2024-05-04

If hearing the name "The Body Shop" makes you think of fruity, brightly colored hand soaps, well, you wouldn't be wrong. But you also wouldn't have the full picture. While many associate the brand with bath goods that might smell nice, but don't necessarily do a whole lot more than that, the reality is that it actually has a line of skincare products that quietly command cult followings.

The Body Shop's Drops Of Youth Youth Concentrate is an anti-aging serum that sells — wait for it — one bottle every 23 seconds. It practically invented flying off the shelves. The Body Shop's enormous distribution globally most certainly contributes to this mind-bendingly high rate of sales, but that wouldn't even be a question if it weren't for the product's own effectiveness.

Like many anti-aging products, this serum emphasizes moisturization, the primary source in this instance being Brazilian Babassu Oil. Unlike some anti-aging products, though, Youth Concentrate employs Irish moss powder, a physical exfoliant, to buff away layers of dead skin. Most importantly, its keystone anti-aging ingredient is beech bud extract, which has been shown to lift wrinkles, amplify protein production, and protect against environmental stressors.

The consistency can be slightly tacky if you're not used to highly viscous products like this one, but the payoff is a smooth, even complexion, scars and dark spots faded into memory, and a plumper, stronger epidermis.

Shop the best, worst-kept anti-aging secret today for just $54 at Ulta.
