'Time traveller' from 3002 has proof something 'big' will happen next month

Publish date: 2024-05-03

A self-professed time traveller from hundreds of years into the future claims he has 'proof' that a 'big event' will happen in December.

The man, who calls himself Agent Loka 77 on social media, told his followers he even has pictures to prove his futuristic predictions.

He shared the cryptic images in a series of TikTok videos, warning people to be aware of 'financial" changes that would come to fruition in the next couple of weeks. However, not everyone is convinced by his predictions, writes the Mirror.

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In one of the bizarre videos, he wrote in the caption: "Real-time travel footage right before my jump 3002," showing footage claiming to be from his time travelling journeys.

In another video, he says: "December 21st 2022 remember this date proof I am a time traveler something big will happen and be worldwide news."

The video's comments were full of skeptical people, with many believing that the "time traveller" wasn't legitimate at all and his "proof" didn't prove anything.

One wrote: "That's some pretty cool CGI".

Another one wrote: "What’s the link to this VR game"

And a third added: "Cool...you were able to take video that was compatible with posting on an application from a thousand years before."

The man claims that a civil war will break out in the US in 2031, because of a virus that will sweep the country.

Recently, another TikTok time traveller also claimed that they have "photographic evidence" of World War Three and they are "now allowed" to share it with the public.

The person, who posts under the username @timevoyagin, also warned that Earth will be so damaged from the conflict that people will be forced to flee to different planets.

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Along with this information, the TikTokker posted a couple of images of the so-called war, but people were quick to work out they were AI-generated and not legitimate.

The first image showed an enormous explosion over an unnamed city, followed by more pictures appearing to show controlled explosions in a laboratory and similar explosions happening across the world.

The final images in the video show the Earth from space as it was destroyed.

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