Is Chris Tyson Alive? The Truth Behind the Death Hoax of MrBeasts Co-Host

Publish date: 2024-05-02

Chris Tyson, also known as Chris the Meme God, is a popular YouTube personality who is best known for being the co-host of the MrBeast channel. He has appeared in many of the viral videos and challenges that MrBeast creates, and has gained a loyal fan base over the years. However, recently, some rumors have been spreading on social media that Chris Tyson is dead or has been murdered. Is there any truth to these claims, or are they just another internet hoax? Here is what we know so far.

The Origin of the Rumors

The rumors about Chris Tyson’s death started circulating on TikTok, where a user named Jacob L posted a video claiming that three men had killed Chris after he came out as trans on Twitter. The video alleged that the killers were angry that Chris had ruined MrBeast’s content by transitioning, and that they had left a note saying “You ruined MrBeast”. The video also showed a screenshot of a tweet from MrBeast that supposedly confirmed Chris’s death.

However, the video was quickly exposed as a fake, as the tweet from MrBeast was edited and never existed. The screenshot also showed that MrBeast had only 1.8 million followers, which is far less than his actual number of over 11 million. The TikTok user later admitted that he had made up the story as a joke, and apologized for spreading false information.

The Truth About Chris Tyson’s Status

Chris Tyson is alive and well, and he has confirmed this fact with a tweet on April 17, 2023. He wrote “I’m alive lol” and added a laughing emoji. He also thanked his fans for their support and love, and said that he was taking some time off for personal reasons. He did not address the rumors about his death or his gender identity directly, but he did hint at some changes in his life.

On March 28, 2023, Chris revealed that he and his wife Katie had split up for over a year. He said that they were still friends and co-parents to their son Tucker, who was born in June 2020. He also asked his fans to respect their privacy and not to spread any hate.

On April 15, 2023, Chris appeared in a MrBeast video titled “$1 vs $500,000 Plane Ticket!”, where he looked noticeably different from his previous videos. He had longer hair, painted nails, and a more feminine appearance. Many fans commented on his changed look, and some speculated that he was transitioning.

Chris confirmed on Twitter that he had been taking hormone replacement therapy for two months before the video was uploaded. He said that he was happy with the changes in his body and mind, and that he felt more comfortable in his own skin. He also said that he preferred to use they/them pronouns for now, and that he would reveal his identity label when he was ready. He expressed his support for informed consent HRT, which is a process that allows gender non-conforming individuals to access hormone therapy without needing a diagnosis or approval from a medical professional.


Chris Tyson is not dead or murdered, but he is going through some personal changes in his life. He is still part of the MrBeast crew, and he has not ruined their content by being himself. He is still loved by his fans and friends, and he deserves respect and acceptance for his choices. He is alive and thriving, and we wish him all the best in his journey.
