Christina Aguilera Reportedly Lost Over 40 Pounds on the Rainbow Diet; Is This Nutrition Plan Health

Publish date: 2024-05-02

Many people are fascinated by celebrity diets, and numerous interesting diets have emerged over the years. It’s been reported that pop star Christina Aguilera, for example, followed the “rainbow diet” for some time. She reportedly lost 40 pounds while on this diet, which begs the question: Is it healthy?

Christina Aguilera’s weight has fluctuated throughout her career

Christina Aguilera rose to fame in the 1990s as a cast member of The Mickey Mouse Club. After the show ended, she became a solo artist and was a well-known face of the teen pop genre.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Aguilera was known for being quite skinny, which she admitted she did not like. She told Health in 2021, “Entering this business, I hated being super skinny. Once I turned 21, I started filling out a little bit, and I was loving my new curves.”

In 2008, Aguilera got pregnant for the first time and naturally gained weight. According to StyleCraze, she continued to gain weight in the next few years as her career struggled. She also got a divorce from producer Jordan Bratman.

However, in 2013, Aguilera made headlines when she shed 40 pounds. The singer has since been working hard to maintain her body at a healthy weight. 

Christina Aguilera reportedly lost weight in part by following the ‘rainbow diet’

Whenever a celebrity loses weight in a short amount of time, it’s natural for people to wonder about their diet. In Christina Aguilera’s case, she reportedly followed the “rainbow diet.”

According to the 2003 book The 7-Day Color Diet by Mindy Weisel and Jessica Weisel Courtney, the diet involves eating one color daily for a week.

“On the Red Day, for instance, choose from Red Italian Tomato Casserole, Red Day Tuna-Apple Salad, and Baked Chicken in Tomato Basil Sauce, and end your day exfoliating with cranberry enzymes and washing with rose petal water,” the book’s description reads.

In addition to the diet, StyleCraze also reported that she also has a workout routine that includes yoga, pilates, and cardio activities.

There are rumors that Aguilera took weight-loss supplements and underwent liposuction surgery, but these claims have not been proven.

Is the diet healthy?

The rainbow diet promotes eating many fruits and vegetables, which health experts recommend across the board. However, according to someone who has tried it, limiting oneself to a color a day might not be sustainable in the long run.

“One thing I found odd about the color diet is that it doesn’t include many whole grains (the ones that are usually brown), which are my go-to foods to stay full longer,” writer Stephanie Ashe said (via Insider). “I tried to add them in whenever the colors allowed, but ultimately I just felt hungry a lot of the time.”

Ashe continued, “The diet was also expensive! Many of the ingredients went to waste because I couldn’t eat them the next day or the next. I did my best to use similar ingredients for lunch and dinner to mitigate that, but sometimes it was unpractical and doing so made the diet extra boring. A better cook or someone more creative than me may have been able to put together exciting meals, but I struggled every day of the week.”

Instead of splitting food up by colors, health experts usually recommend incorporating as many colors into one’s everyday diet as possible.
